Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why I switched to Go (golang), the next great programming langauge

I have been asked a lot as of late, why I switched to writing code in Go.  The answer is pretty simple and to quote another developer;
  • The language is modern, small, simple and quite strict. There's a minimalism here that I like - what you see is what you get. Some things that wouldn't even merit a warning in other languages (like unused variables) are errors in Go - your code won't even compile. I like the tidiness this promotes.
  • Awesome concurrency. Go's concept of goroutines and channels is simple, beautiful and works well. This is essential for something like syncthing where there's a lot of stuff going on in parallel.
  • Simple deployment. Go compiles to a single statically linked binary that you just need to copy to the target system and run. It's trivial to cross compile from one os/architecture into all others supported by the Go compiler.
  • Modern standard library, "some batteries included". This includes an HTTP server, a clean (non-OpenSSL) crypto and TLS implementation, JSON and XML serializers, etc.
  • Good enough performance. The Go compiler doesn't generate as fast code as the best C or C++ compilers out there, but it's still faster than interpreted languages.
  • Tooling and community. Go does things somewhat differently than many other languages and this can be a bit of an acquired taste... But for example the existence and adoption of "go fmt" means there is no discussion about formatting or indenting - there is only one standard. "Go get" simplifies fetching and building, plus results in a standardized repo layout. Etc.
  • I think it's a really nifty language to work with and IMHO, it is the next great system language.
  • It has the backing of a fiscally stable company, Google. So if anything it will only increase in popularity.

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